
General Terms and Conditions of FixrLink Contracting

Last Updated: December 5, 2023

Please read these General Terms and Conditions of Contracting carefully before using FixrLink's services. By contracting our services, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below.


a. FixrLink: Refers to the service provider company.

b. User: Refers to any person or entity contracting FixrLink's services.

Services Offered

a. FixrLink provides services related to [detailed description of services], as agreed with the User.

Service Contracting

a. The User can contract FixrLink's services through fixrlink.com, phone calls, email, and any other means of communication.

b. By contracting our services, the User agrees to comply with the established rates and terms.

User Obligations

a. The User agrees to provide accurate and complete information when contracting our services.

b. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any access information provided by FixrLink.

Payments and Billing

a. Payments will be made according to the rates and conditions established when contracting the service.

b. FixrLink reserves the right to suspend services in case of late payments.

Cancellation and Refunds

a. Cancellations are subject to the policies established when contracting the service.

b. FixrLink reserves the right to establish cancellation charges.

Intellectual Property

a. All content provided as part of the services is the property of FixrLink and is protected by intellectual property rights.

Limitation of Liability

a. FixrLink shall not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services.


a. User information will be handled in accordance with FixrLink's Privacy Policy.

Modifications to the Terms

a. FixrLink reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions. Changes will take effect upon publication.

Termination of Contract

a. FixrLink may terminate the contract with the User in case of breach of the established conditions.


a. For inquiries or comments related to these General Terms and Conditions, please contact us at hello@fixrlink.com

By contracting FixrLink's services, the User acknowledges having read, understood, and accepted these General Terms and Conditions of Contracting.